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Subdivision of N.E.W.S., Belgium.
Most 541 releases only mention N.E.W.S. in the P&C information. Also in most cases no 541-logo is printed on the release. A release with the N.E.W.S.-logo and a cat# starting with 541 indicates that it's probably a 541 release, because there are Life Enhancing Audio and Eskimo Recordings releases that also start with 541.
Most 541 releases only mention N.E.W.S. in the P&C information. Also in most cases no 541-logo is printed on the release. A release with the N.E.W.S.-logo and a cat# starting with 541 indicates that it's probably a 541 release, because there are Life Enhancing Audio and Eskimo Recordings releases that also start with 541.
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