

Defunct Dutch record label / company. (Please note: the credit sometimes appears in company role, in this instance do not add as a label.)

The company initially behind the imprint, N.V. Negram was established and owned by Gerry Oord, and run by Robert Oeges. In 1965 this company merged with N.V. Delta (Delta) to form N.V. Negram-Delta, with Hans Kellerman becoming managing director.

In 1965, R. Oeges acquired the exclusive rights for Netherlands of the Warner Bros. label (formerly Bovema) and Reprise, and as of at least 1966 the company had a license contract with Scepter Records / Wand.

After Negram and Delta split ways in the early 1970s, Negram was operated by Negram B.V. until 1978. In that year, Negram merged with the local repetoire division of B.V. Bovema to form Bovema Negram.

For Bootlegs and unofficial releases please use Negram.

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