Neos - Three Teens Hellbent On Speed
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Three Teens Hellbent On Speed

Label Supreme Echo ‎– SE 27
Format Vinyl, LP, Album, Compilation, Deluxe Edition, Remastered, Repress, Stereo
Barcode 2090505090512
Country Canada
Released 29 Apr 2022
Genre Rock
Style Punk, Hardcore

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Repress of 500 copies on black vinyl! Short sonic blasts of teen angst at breakneck velocity - Canada's Neos, from Victoria, BC, were pioneers of hyper-speed-punk at the dawn of hardcore. With profound lyrics, humour, bizarre arrangements, and general insanity, Neos inspired thrash metal, grindcore, noisecore, and hardcore punk itself. The complete Neos collection (1981-83) includes both rare EPs, outtakes, demos, and live cuts: 51 songs in 48 minutes from original sources, meticulously remastered. Includes 24 page booklet with 22,000-word bio by Steve Bailey (guitar/vocals) + lyrics, 75+ photos, posters, art and more. "Possibly the fastest thrash garage punk ever recorded" - Jeff Bale, MRR #1, 1982

A1 inTro
A2 DeSTrUct
A3 tHey’ll deStroy tHemselves
A4 (almost) TyPIcAL, oBlIgaToRy aNtI-GOvErnMeNt SoNg
A6 WhErE DId YoU Go WrOnG???
A7 jUsT LiKe aLL The ReSt
A8 LoOK aRouNd IN dEspair
A9 coNscripTs
A11 oTher woRld
A12 OpPositIon to aLL viOlence, eveN if cOmmiTted in sElf-deFense
A13 DiE fOr ThE CaUsE
A14 rIppeD off
A15 SeXuAl ReVoLUutIoN
A16 E’s
A18 nO tyMe 4 romance
A19 LoOK aRouNd IN dEspair
A20 lIfe sEnTEnce
A21 WhErE DId YoU Go WrOnG???
A22 rAcisT aCT
A23 BoREd TO dEatH
A24 sLeevE
A25 S.I.P.
A26 teAr ourSElvES aPaRT
B1 iLlitErates
B2 faSCist RUle
B3 E’s
B4 nO tyMe 4 romance
B5 schOol pUnks
B6 kill ThE burNoUts
B7 cHuRchgoerS’ mOtive
B8 gOodbye 4 lIfe / SCareD to dIE
B9 rAcisT aCT
B10 lIfe sEnTEnce
B11 dOn't wAnt tO be
B12 nO tyMe 4 romance
B13 WhErE DId YoU Go WrOnG???
B14 DiE fOr ThE CaUsE
B15 (almost) TyPIcAL, oBlIgaToRy aNtI-GOvErnMeNt SoNg
B16 oTher woRld
B17 schOol pUnks
B18 LoOK aRouNd IN dEspair
B19 E’s
B20 DeSTrUct
B21 rAcisT aCT
B22 lIfe sEnTEnce
B23 Crustaceous Beast
B24 A.M. Song (The Use Of Trying)
B25 sTupiD rOck BeGinniNg
B26 CAtfooD
a: "HaSsiBah gEts ThE MaRTian BraIN SQuEEze” & ouTtaKEs. A1-16 rEcorDed at HoLe iN tHe waLL stUdiOs, viCtoRia, BC sEpteMber 18, 1982. pRoDuced & eNginEEred by sCoTt HeNDerson on tHree tRacks iN godDAmN incRedibLe, alL-enComPasSing, senSuRround soUNd -- sO be CareFul. "dEmos & reheARsaLs” reCoRded iN thE swEatBox, viCtoRia, BC A17-22: 1982, A23: JaNuaRy 12, 1983, A24-25: JuNe 6, 1983.

b: "enD aLL DiScriMinaTioN”. B1-11 rEcorDed wiTh SubTerranean sTudIos moBiLe unIt. RhyThM trAcks doNe in 25 min. iN sTeve’S baSemEnt, viCtoRia, BC September 11, 1981. vOcals dOne At tHe vAncOuver sT. house iN the Ilving rOom, viCtoRia, BC December 22, 1981 aFter breAking uP & rEuniting. PrOduced, enGineEred, & inItiated bY rOb wrigHT. “LivE soUNdboaRd” B12-22 recoRdeD at tHe OAP HaLL vicToRia, July 1, 1982. "reheARsaL” B23-26 recoRdeD iN thE swEatBox, viCtoRia, BC June 6, 1983.

aLL soNGs by NeOS ©+℗ 1979-83 eXcePt "t.v. LOVE” © thE SiMpLeToneS. rEmaSTereD bY AUdu oBajE, WE2 stUDio, MaNchEstER, uk. DEsiGN by biLL luhTaLa & sCoTt beAdLe. pHoTO bY sTeVE saNdvE. thIS cOmpiLatiON bY sUpReME eCHo ©+℗ 2021. ARchiVal reSeARrch anD aRT diReCtioN bY JaSOn fLOwer.

The song "Destruct" is correctly spelled.

Includes large format 24-pg booklet with 22,000-word bio by Steve Bailey (guitar/vocals) + lyrics, 75+ photos, posters, art and more.
Second pressing 500 copies, black vinyl.

Runouts are etched.
Matrix / Runout (Runout A) – SE27A - YOU ARE A FART IN SOCIETY
Matrix / Runout (Runout B) – SE27B - NUDE ESKIMOS ON SPEED


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