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Target Records
Danish sub-label for Target Group founded in 2003.
Use only when Target Records logo appears verbatim
Catalogue number scheme:
XX is the format identifier:
- "CD" = CD
- "LP" = Vinyl
- "EP" = EP (any format)
- "S" = Single (any format)
- "CAS" = Cassette
- "LTD" = Limited Edition (in addition to another identifier, e.g. LPLDT)
- "PR" = Promo (any format)
YY is the manufacturing year identifier:
e.g. 12 = 2012
ZZ indicates the intended order of release in a year.
Example: TARGET1901CD was released in 2019, is the first planned release of the year 2019 and its format is CD.
For unofficial releases, see Target Records.
Use only when Target Records logo appears verbatim
Catalogue number scheme:
XX is the format identifier:
- "CD" = CD
- "LP" = Vinyl
- "EP" = EP (any format)
- "S" = Single (any format)
- "CAS" = Cassette
- "LTD" = Limited Edition (in addition to another identifier, e.g. LPLDT)
- "PR" = Promo (any format)
YY is the manufacturing year identifier:
e.g. 12 = 2012
ZZ indicates the intended order of release in a year.
Example: TARGET1901CD was released in 2019, is the first planned release of the year 2019 and its format is CD.
For unofficial releases, see Target Records.