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Marco Bosco

Born in 1956 in Brazil, Marco Bosco, started his career as percussionist in 1974 playing with different bands; and in 1977, started his musical studies with Paulo Silva and José Ulisses Arroyo, both music masters and musicians of the Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of Campinas - SP, afterwards with Claudio Stephan, percussionist of the Municipal Symphonic Orchestra of São Paulo-SP. In 1980, as a bandleader of Grupo Acaru, recorded the album "Live at Hot-Crocket" (RCA/Japan), during their stay in Tokyo. This album was distributed in Japan and Europe. Back in Brazil in 1981, participated of the beginning of the Brazilian independent phonographic production, when produced, recorded and distributed independently "Aqualouco" (FIF/Brazil), the second album of the Grupo Acaru.
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Oscar Castro-Neves with special guests
Airto Moreira and
Leila Pinheiro featuring
Marco Bosco ,
Paulo Calasans and
Marcelo Mariano
CD –