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Edel division specializing in so called EarBooks. Quote from a marketing text: "Attractive book and music product calls for valuable content to be complemented by new formats. The combination of large-format photographic picture book and music on a related theme provides a tangible new product with emotional impact."
earBOOKS: "Sophisticated coffee table books with a twist."
- books with vinyls included
- books with CDs included
- books with DVDs included
- books with downloadcards included
- books with boardgames embossed
- books with nothing included
- books with zeitgeist.
earBOOKS Digital (since 2014)
Books with music available via download code.
earBOOKS: "Sophisticated coffee table books with a twist."
- books with vinyls included
- books with CDs included
- books with DVDs included
- books with downloadcards included
- books with boardgames embossed
- books with nothing included
- books with zeitgeist.
earBOOKS Digital (since 2014)
Books with music available via download code.
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